Preparing for the Helicopter written and practical exams

Preparing for the Written test and finally the Practical Exam

Student Study Habits, conduct, and responsibilities.

Some students desire only the private certificate, and some are looking for a career in aviation. Often a private student realizes that a career is possible and then decides to continue to the commercial level. Regardless of the objective, a lot of reading and self study is imperative. Students must not expect to pass just by attending ground classes; it will not be enough. Not long ago I sent two students to take their written tests; they assured me that they were ready as much as I knew they weren't. They both thought failed. Since then, I changed my requirements; though 70 percent is a passing grade as far as the FAA is concerned, if a student wants to continue with me, I require 80 percent on the written test, no exceptions and no excuses.

I advise all students to study hard and to stay focused on their goals. Very few actually do. When it comes to the check ride, most students actually fly better on their private than they do on their commercial. This is due to complacency and over confidence. If a student has the desire to make a career of aviation, then that student must study hard with the end objective always in mind.

Student Conduct

All students owe it to their instructors to take flight training seriously. What many students don't understand is the fact that aviation involves many complicated subjects other than simply flying. I can't tell you how many times I had students tell me they would "cram" the night before the test. Does't work that way; I never had a proud "crammer" pass.

Partying and drinking is sometimes a problem. Drinking to the extent of drunkenness has no place in aviation. This is not to say that one can not take a drink. There is nothing wrong with a couple of drinks with dinner, or a couple of drinks socially. The issue is drunkenness with the intent to fly the next day. If you do drink to that point then the next day is simply a no fly day for you. No exceptions.

The use of illegal drugs also has no place in aviation. If you have any of those habits look for another profession. On two different occasions, I walked in on students consuming illegal substances. Neither of them ever flew again. In fact, they both ended up losing a great deal to their drug habits and lost nearly everything they had.

When your instructor gives a lesson, flight or ground, you should give your undivided attention. Take good notes, you're going to need them. When check-ride day comes the examiner will not have any mercy on you when you don't know the answers to his or her questions.

Never blame your instructor or someone else when you don't know something, examiners hate that. That is certainly a red flag on your irresponsibility as an individual and doesn't speak well of your integrity.

Many students use the excuse that they fall asleep when they read. There is no doubt that reading will cause tiredness. When you are tired, sleep, when you wake up, read. It is as simple as that. If you don't have the discipline, seek another profession. Turn off your television, leave your video games alone, study like a serious student should.

I maintain that almost anyone can become a pilot, I do not say that it will be easy for anyone; it will not be easy.

All students must study hard and follow the rules. If that simple advice is followed the flight training experience and a career will be fun, rewarding and certainly exciting. END.